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Error Handling: API Client

Error Handling: API Client ​


Deprecated. This doc is based on the old API client.

Overview ​

The api-client is a separate package located at packages/api-client and it uses axios internally. There is an errorInterceptor (see axios interceptors) used inside the apiService that intercept the response we get returned from our requests. So we extend the default AxiosError with more specific ShopwareError messages.

When there is an error returend from a request you can expect at least the following fields: message, code and errors (containing an array with one or multiple ShopwareError objects). You can find the type definition at packages/types/shopware-6-client/errors/ApiError.d.ts.

Structure ​

Let's say we want to use the getCustomerRegisterEndpoint which points to /store-api/account/register. These function is used inside the customerService by an async function called register and returning a promise with an Customer object. Further the register function is used inside a composable called useUser(). There is also a function called register that is wrapping the register function from the API client. When you now look at the register.vue page inside the vue-demo-store implementation, you will see, that the submit of the form is invoked.

So the way is like this:
API client Endpoint (TS) > API client Service (TS) > Composable (TS) > Vue

Example (Vue page/template) ​

Look at this invokeSubmit function from templates/vue-demo-store/pages/register.vue

<script setup lang="ts">
    const { register } = useUser();
    const { pushError } = useNotifications();

    //... content reduced

    const invokeSubmit = async () => {
    const valid = await $v.value.$validate();
    if (valid) {
        try {
            loading.value = true;
            const response = await register(state);
            if (response) router.push("/");
        } catch (error) {
            let message = (error as ClientApiError)?.messages?.[0]?.detail || "Something went wrong, please try again later";
        } finally {
            loading.value = false;

    //... content reduced

Before some request is sent the form get's validated and if it is valid, we will send the register request. The await register(state); part is coming from the composable useUser(), you see at the top of the script setup. So the request is surrounded by a try/catch/finally (see also axios errors handling) so it is possible to react if there is some error coming back from the request. If we got an error we will push a message to a composable called useNotifications() that will display a nice message to the user of the website.

API Client Reference

API Client Reference
Package reference with all services